Purchasing Policy
All Library purchases, with the exception of books or other materials purchased for the library collection, require a signed purchase order or written contract. The Director, or his/her designee, is responsible for signing and maintaining purchase orders and contracts. All library purchases will be made in a lawful manner.
Library Materials Books, periodicals, audiovisual materials and other such materials intended for patron use will be purchased from vendors offering volume discounts or vendors offering state, county, or other municipal contract pricing programs, if available.
Capital or One-Time Purchases Capital items and one-time purchases costing $5,000 or more will be brought to the attention of the full Board of Trustees for discussion and approval. The Director may authorize the purchase of such items or services costing less than $5,000. Written Bids For purchases that exceed $5,000 the Director or his/her designee will make a concerted effort to obtain at least two written bids. For purchases that exceed $10,000 the Director or his/her designee will make a concerted effort to obtain at least three bids. Items or services that have been negotiated on state, county or other municipal contracts are exempt from these bid guidelines.
In the event of a serious emergency that threatens safety or the ability of the library to stay open to the public, the Director is authorized to take necessary action, the cost of which shall not exceed $10,000, if calling an emergency meeting of the Board of Trustees beforehand is not practical.