Loan Period Lending

  1. Loan periods
  2. 3 weeks for books.
  3. Generally, reference books do not circulate. Upon request, some
reference materials may be checked out overnight.
  1. Interlibrary loans are due the date indicated by the lending library.
  2. Books may be renewed once if there is not a waiting list for the title.
  3. Current issues of periodicals do not circulate.
  4. Non-current periodicals may be checked out for one week and may not be
  1. Seven (7) days for all media resources, communications, and
electronic devices, including but not limited to: audiobooks, videocassettes, etc. *these are non-renewable after seven days The director may establish the loan period for special collections, materials which are temporarily in great demand, such as for student projects, or materials added to the collection which is in a new format, e.g., computer software. A patron can borrow ten (10) items at one time, with one exception -- two items on a subject is the limit for a known school assignment.