AED Policy

In the interest of public safety, [LIBRARY NAME] makes Public Access Defibrillation (PAD) available using an automatic external defibrillator (AED).   

Medical Direction 

The library maintains an agreement with a certified medical provider to serve as the Medical Director of the PAD program. If the identity of the Medical Director changes, [LIBRARY NAME] shall enter into a collaborative agreement with a new medical director and shall submit a new collaborative agreement to the Regional Services Council (REMSCO) within five (5) business days. Additionally, if the Medical Director resigns, he/she shall immediately notify REMSCO in writing.   

Training Requirements for AED Users 

Only those persons who are trained to use AEDs in accordance with the laws of the State of New York shall be authorized to use [LIBRARY NAME]’s AED units. All employees of [LIBRARY NAME] who may provide PAD using an AED must successfully complete an approved training course.    All authorized personnel must maintain a written certification card or other written evidence satisfactory to the Medical Director on file with the library, establishing such authorized person’s successful completion of an approved basic cardiac life support (CPR) and AED training program. All such certifications must be current and still effective under the standards of the organization that has approved the course to which certification relates.   

Employer Responsibilities 

[LIBRARY NAME] agrees that: 
  • 911 will be contacted immediately upon implementation of basic cardiac life support and/or the request for the AED for patient use; 
  • All employees trained in PAD will be knowledgeable of the location of the AEDs, and the locations will be clearly labeled and easily located; 
  • The library will comply with a maintenance program and/or contract with an agency to provide for maintenance of any AED units which meets or exceeds the AED manufacturer’s recommendation; 
  • Any responding employee will complete the “Public Access Defibrillation Quality Improvement Report” (attached) and notify the Medical Director of each and every instance when the AED is used; and 
  • The library will prepare a quality assurance report and submit the data to REMSCO and the Medical Director within five (5) business days. 

Confidentiality and HIPAA Compliance 

Both parties agree that they, their respective officers, directors, employees, independent contractors, and any subcontractors and successors shall keep all patient information provided by the other, strictly confidential except as otherwise required by law. Both parties warrant that they, their officers, directors, employees, independent contractors, and any subcontractors, successors and assigns will except as provided by law, use information supplied hereunder only for the purposes set forth in this Agreement.   

Location and Maintenance of AED Units 

The AED units are located on the main floor adjacent to the front entrance and on the second floor adjacent to the Adult Reference Desk.    The units shall be kept protected in their cases, as supplied by the manufacturer, and shall be kept in a clean, temperate and dry location at all times when not in use.    The AED Units shall be inspected weekly by the Head Custodian or other designated library staff. Each inspection shall include observation of all self-diagnostic indicators on the equipment, as well as verification that the unit is complete, clean and in good operating condition.    If a problem is detected in any such inspection, the Head Custodian will immediately notify the Library Director or Assistant Director. Arrangements will be made immediately to have a replacement AED unit provided until the library’s unit is serviced and made fully functional.    [DELETE NOTE: The NYS - PUBLIC ACCESS DEFIBRILLATION Q.I. REPORT CAN BE FOUND HERE, AND LINKED ON THE GATEWAY]