Open Meeting Law

Policy:  Library Trustee Code of Ethics/ Conflict of Interest Policy Statement of Commitment and regulations of meetings and agenda    Library Trustee Code of Ethics/ Conflict of Interest Policy Statement of Commitment In accordance with New York State’s Open Meetings Law, members of the public are welcome to attend Wyandanch Public Library’s Board of Trustees meetings. The only exception shall be those meetings or portions of meetings that are devoted to Executive Session. Library Board meetings are for the conduct of  library business. The responsible expression of a resident’s viewpoint is considered essential to the Board’s deliberations and the efficient operation of the Library. Recognizing the responsibility for proper governance, and the need to conduct the Board’s business in an orderly, efficient manner, the following procedure is established to receive input from district residents. Regulations for Public Input at Library Board Meetings
  • Audience participation is limited to the portion of the meeting designated for Public Expression during general monthly board meetings.
  • When speaking before the Board, individuals are asked to state their name and address for the record.
  • Each person may speak for a maximum of two minutes. 
  • Public input is limited to comments on matters involving Library business or operations.
  • Personal complaints against Library staff or Board members shall not be received by the Board in an open meeting. Any such complaint shall be presented to the Library Director in writing for appropriate action.
  • Individuals attending board meetings must conduct themselves with respect and civility towards others in accordance with the Library’s Public Behavior Policy. Language which the Board perceives to be reasonably offensive or threatens the orderly and fair progress of the discussion is prohibited.
  • Board members are not obligated to respond to comments from the public, but the presiding officer may recognize a board member seeking clarification.
  • Issues requiring possible action by the board may be added to a future meeting’s agenda.
  • The Board may direct the Library Administration to investigate and report back at a future designated meeting.
  • When the Board conducts Special Board Meetings there will be no Public Expression section.
  • If the Board of Trustees is unable to meet in person due to an emergency;
infectious disease outbreak and/or under direct edict of a state or county executive order, the Board will comply with such directives and meet virtually. This may preclude public comment from occurring during the virtual meeting. Notice of the regular meeting dates will be posted in the library, in the library’s newsletter and on the library’s website.   Agenda A consistent and business-like agenda is essential for the efficient conduct of library business. The agenda serves as the blueprint for the meeting and should be followed closely. In order to avoid surprise issues, the agenda should be developed by the director, reviewed with the Board President and sent out to the Board well ahead of time with all pertinent materials. Some Boards specify the basic outline of the meeting agenda in their bylaws. Changes to the agenda may be adopted at the beginning of the meeting. Below is a typical agenda that may serve as a template. Sample Agenda:
  1. Call to order and roll call of members
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
iii. Adoption of agenda
  1. Approval of prior meeting minutes
  2. Period for public expression
  3. Correspondence vii. Personnel Actions Report
viii. Treasurer/Finance Officer’s Report
  1. Report of receipts and disbursements
  2. Warrants
  3. Presentation of projected cash flow
  4. Director’s and Department Heads’ reports
  5. Committee reports
  1. Old Business
  xii. New Business xiii. Period for public expression xiv. Dates of future board meetings
  1. Other Business
  2. Executive Session re: Director’s Annual Performance Evaluation
xvi. Adjournment   Removal of a Trustee Policy and Procedure
  1. A trustee may be removed or suspended from office pursuant to the Library’s By-Laws, New York Education Law Section 226, or any other applicable law, rule, or regulation, only by vote of not less than a majority vote of the entire board  passed on a resolution to remove or suspend such person from office as a board trustee. Any such resolution sh all be based on a written complaint by any trustee setting forth the basis for removal or suspension. A resolution to remove such person from office as a board trustee shall declare the office of such board trustee vacant.
  1. A member of the Board of Trustees who is the subject of a proposed resolution of the Board for removal or suspension from office shall be entitled to written notice, which shall include a copy of the written complaint, and which shall be mailed to the last known address of such board trustee by overnight mail, first class mail and also by certified mail return receipt requested not less than seven (7) days prior to the date of the meeting at which such resolution is to be considered. Additionally, previous written notice of the proposed action, which shall include a copy of the written complaint, shall be mailed to the last known address of each board trustee by first class mail and also by certified mail return receipt requested not less than seven (7) days prior to the date of the meeting at which such resolution is to be considered.
  1. Before the Board of Trustees votes on the proposed resolution, the board trustee at issue shall be entitled to present arguments in opposition to the resolution to remove or suspend prior to consideration of the resolution by the Board of Trustees.
  1. Alternatively, the board trustee who is the subject of such proposed resolution may resign in lieu of the Board voting upon the resolution.